Tuesday, March 10, 2009

new space, new mindset.

I have been searching for a way to organize my life in a manner that allows me to be more efficient, more mindful of where my money goes and of course, more creative for my business. Life at home is nothing less than chaos on a daily basis and I have lived this way for a very long time. Our economic security in Canada is shaky and the way we waste as North Americans is shameful. We are the disposable nation! If it stops working well, buy a new one. If it is too small, buy a new one. If it is the wrong colour, buy a new one. I am now taking steps to STOP this vicious cycle of mass consumerism within my home.

One major step was to bake our breads, muffins and sweets from scratch, cutting down the cost and cutting out all the processed sugar and foods in our home. Another step is to write down every dollar I spend, where I spent it and on what to track my spending and hopefully see patterns that are wasteful. Yet another method to saving money, printing coupons from www.thehealthyshopper.ca for all our organic and supplement needs. I keep on searching for more ideas because frankly, I am tired of treading so harshly on our earth. Alright, for years I have not used chemicals for cleaning, have shopped organic, have walked instead of driven, have always carried reuseable canvas bags instead of getting plastic, have recycled, switched all my lightbulbs to compact flourescent, composted and separated my garbage painstakingly but is it enough? I took it one step further and changed my business plan to include organic eco-friendly products, cut down on the amount of chemical used for colouring hair, made organic hair colour available to clients, purchase Bullfrog Power for my electricity and recycle, re-use and reduce as much as possible. Yet still I realize that more can be done.

It is within this blog that I search, I soul search, I share and I compare. If you do not or cannot keep an open mind you can never learn, never move forward and never change the things that need to be changed. I will share recipes, I will talk about my family and the challenges we face as a large family living in downtown Toronto. I will talk about my life and everything it takes to make our lives fabulous and environmentally responsible.

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