I am so completely chuffed right now for a few reasons, one is we got rid of the ghost we had it seems and hopefully all will be right in the electrical appliance world in our home from now on. Another reason is that Friday is Christine's wedding and she is going to have an adorable and sexy pin up style for her hair and I will be attending her wedding with my husband and cousin. The third reason is today my brother called and told us that my stepmother wants the boys to go to her staff Christmas party on December 6th and that is so completely amazing and wonderful!
Today marks 12 years of sobriety for my husband and that is quite the accomplishment for him! Life is not always easy to handle and it would be so easy to turn back to drugs and alcohol I am sure but he has not.
It is almost mid November and already the bookings for Christmas are rolling in, it is always a busy time and this year will be no exception. This year the boys are at such a great age for Christmas, they actually understand and have a lot of excitement about it. The Toronto Santa Claus Parade is this Sunday maybe we can catch it this year. It promises to be bigger and better this year but with our current economy I wonder. Speaking of Christmas, I find it very frustrating how retailers really play on guilt and money spent= amount of love you have. I really don't want our children to think that this is OK but when it is advertised to them daily multiple times a day how can they not get that idea. Maybe this year the family should volunteer at a shelter so they can understand how lucky they are and also help make someone else's holiday a little more special. I think I will look into this and see what we can do.
Jack continues to amaze his teacher at school with his knowledge and passion for learning. He makes me so proud. Aiden does well in school but does require more discipline when it comes to homework as he tries very hard to not do it or not complete it totally. I realize it is hard for him with what goes on at his mother's and the difference in rules between the two homes. Also, since the introduction of yet another new boyfriend he has started displaying some negtaive behaviours again. I really hope he can be kept out of his mother's relationships because it is not helping him to trust and form bonds. He is such an sweet kid and seeing the hurt in his eyes when these men are gone from his life is so hard for us. Rowan has become Chatty Cathy lately, he always had a great vocabulary and enunciation but lately he is really able to form the sounds properly and express himself. They are growing up so fast it makes me cry sometimes just how big they are getting.
I am still recovering from one doozey of a chest infection, not the best time of year for it but it seems to be the pattern. all in all though everyone is happy, healthy and doing well.
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