Friday, August 6, 2010

Natural Deodorants

I am always on the hunt for a natural deodorant that not only smells great without heavy perfumes but is also strong enough for him too. My old standby has been T'eo by Lush which is a dry solid bar that you scrape to make a powder and rub on. It lasts for more than 24 hrs, keeps the pits dry and keeps odours at bay. The ingredients are as follows for T'eo

  • Sodium Bicarbonate,
  • Cream of Tartar (Tartaric acid),
  • Apricot Kernel Oil (Prunus armeniaca),
  • BlueWax (Specerit Blue C),
  • Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia),
  • Magnesium Carbonate,
  • Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum),
  • Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis),
  • Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogan flexuosus),
  • Fresh Grape Juice (Vitis vinifera),
  • Blue Cornflower Petals (Centaurea cyanus),
  • *Citral,
  • *Eugenol,
  • *Geraniol,
  • *Citronellol,
  • *Limonene,
  • *Linalool,
  • Perfume.
Pretty simple stuff that T'eo and smells great too!

  I am always on the hunt for the perfect deodorant and through Twitter I began following @Weleda.  Weleda assured me that their deodorants would indeed work for me and to give them a shot so I did.  I purchased a bottle of Citrus Deodorant Spray by Weleda at Whole Foods for 14.99 cdn + tax and hoped that Weleda could live up to the hype. The ingredients are as follows,
 Alcohol, water, fragrance, citrus medica limonum, peel oil, limonene, linelool, geraniol, citral, farnesol, synthetic additives including fragrance, color or preservatives and made without raw material derived from mineral oils.

  The first time using it it caused my armpits to burn so much I was actually tearing up a bit and continued to burn despite washing it off for about an hour and a half. I attribute this to my extremely sensitive skin and it has since stopped burning when applied. The smell was amazing! It smelled like Gin and Tonic which in my books is a wonderful scent, although I can't drink them. The next day I did not get as extreme of a burning sensation just mild and it ended quickly so was tolerable. I did housework, walked in 40 degree humid temperatures to the farmer's market, did errands and it held up pretty well. I still smelled great! I have now been using it for 5 days and these are my guidelines for use. If you are going to be working up a sweat you may have to re-use during the day, if you will be sitting in a cool office you will be fine. It will not last you 24 hrs like the Lush deodorant and I don't find I stay dry feeling with the Weleda like I do with the Lush ( Lush' T'eo being a powder helps keep you dry feeling). It is a good deodorant for someone who is not particularly odouriferous and who does not sweat a lot. It is easy to re-apply if needed and comes in an attractive 'perfume bottle' dispenser so popping it in your purse or bag is an option unlike the powdery solid deodorant which breaks easily if dropped. I give Weleda's Citrus Deodorant the thumbs up! Now to try to the Rose!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pursuit of Balance and Frugality

  I am always happy to find a bargain and even better find a little gem of a store or restaurant that one could make a habit of returning to again and again, making it your goto place. In honour of this I am going to attempt to  blog about all the restaurants in the GTA that have a kids eat free night. There is a webpage that has a small list but I know there must be more out there so I am on the search to find options for large families to eat at on a tight budget. Who knows maybe I will review a few too and give it a yay or nay I we end up eating there. Now being the healthy eating nut that I am will be looking for healthier alternatives to the regular fried kid's fare so if you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

From my email inbox; MSG a slow poison

This was sent to my email acct so I figured I would post it here. I have done zero editing just copy and pasted it.

MSG (a slow poison) - Very interesting

The food additive MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate) is a slow poison. MSG hides
behind 25 or more names, such as Natural Flavoring." MSG is even in your
favorite coffee from Tim Horton's and Starbucks coffee shops!

I wondered if there could be an actual chemical causing the massive obesity
epidemic, and so did a friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research assistant
at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and spent years working
for the government. He made an amazing discovery while going through
scientific journals for a book he was writing called The Slow Poisoning of
America .

In hundreds of studies around the world, scientists were creating obese mice
and rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No strain of rat or mice
is naturally obese, so scientists have to create them. They make these
creatures morb idly obese by injecting them with MSG when they are first

The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats(and
perhaps humans) to become obese. They even have a name for the fat rodents
they create: "MSG-Treated Rats."

When I heard this, I was shocked. I went into my kitchen and checked the
cupboards and the refrigerator. MSG was in everything -- the Campbell 's
soups, the Hostess Doritos, the Lays flavored potato chips, Top Ramen,Betty
Crocker H amburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared
meals, and Kraft salad dressings, especially the "healthy low-fat"

The items that didn't have MSG marked on the product label had something
called "Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein," which is just another name for
Monosodium Glutamate.

It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children
everyday are filled with this stuff. MSG is hidden under many different
names in order to fool those who read the ingredient list, so that they
don't catch on. (Other names for MSG are "Accent, "Aginomoto," "Natural Meat
Tenderizer," etc.)

But it didn't stop there.

When our family went out to eat, we started asking at the restaurants what
menu items contained MSG. Many employees, even the managers, swore they
didn't use MSG. But when we ask for the ingredient list, which they
grudgingly provided, sure enough, MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein were

Burger King, M cDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, every restaurant -- even the
sit-down eateries like TGIF, Chili's, Applebee's, and Denny's -- use MSG in
abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the WORST offender: MSG was
in every chicken dish, salad dressing. and gravy. No wonder I loved to eat
that coating on the skin -- their secret spice was MSG!

So why is MSG in so many of the foods we eat?
Is it a preservative, or a vitamin?

Not according to my friend John Erb. In his book The Slow P oisoning of
America , he said that MSG is added to food for the addictive effect it has
on the human body.

Even the propaganda website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby group
supporting MSG explains that the reason they add it to food is to make
people eat more.

A study of the elderly showed that older people eat more of the foods that
it is added to. The Glutamate Association lobbying group says eating more is
a benefit to the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of us?

"Betcha can't eat [just] one," takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is
concerned! And we wonder why the nation is overweight!

MSG manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts people to their products.
It makes people choose their product over others, and makes people eat more
of it than they would if MSG wasn't added.

Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity, it is an addictive
substance. Since its introduction into the American food supply fifty years
ago,MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to the pre-packaged meals,
soups, snacks, and fast foods we are tempted to eat everyday.

The FDA has set no limits on how much of it can be added to food. They claim
it's safe to eat in any amount. But how can they claim it's safe when there
are hundreds of scientific studies with titles like

"The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a model for the study of
exercise in obesity." Gobatto CA, Mello MA, Souza CT , Ribeiro IA. Res
Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002.

"Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced hypothalamic serotonin release in
both normal and monosodium glutamate-obese rats." Guimaraes RB, Telles MM,
Coelho VB, Mori C, Nascimento CM, Ribeiro. Brain Res Bull. 2002 Aug.

'Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment in spontaneously
hypertensive rats: An animal model of multiple risk factors."
Iwase M, Yamamoto M, Iino K, Ichikawa K, Shinohara N, Yoshinari Fuji shima.
Hypertens Res. 1998 Mar.

"Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of monosodium glutamate in
suckling period and subsequent development of obesity." Tanaka K, Shimada M,
Nakao K Kusunoki. Exp Neurol. 1978 Oct.

No, the date of that last study was not a typo; it was published in 1978.
Both the "medical research community" and "food manufacturers" have known
about the side effects of MSG for decades.

Many more of the studies mentioned in John Erb's book link MSG todiabetes,
migraines and headaches, autism, ADHD, and even Alzheimer's.

So what can we do to stop the food manufactures from dumping this fattening
and addictive MSG into our food supply and causing the obesity epidemic we
now see?

Several months ago, John Erb took his book and his concerns to one of

the highest government health officials in Canada . While he was sitting in
the go vernment office, the official told him, "Sure, I know how bad MSG is.
I wouldn't touch the st uff." But this top-level government official refuses
to tell the public what he knows.

The big media doesn't want to tell the public either, fearing issues with
their advertisers. It seems that the fallout on the fast food industry may
hurt their profit margin. The food producers and restaurants have been
addicting us to their products for years, and now we are paying the price
for it.
Our children should not be cursed with obesity caused by an addictive food

But what can I do about it? I'm just one voice!
What can I do to stop the poisoning of our children, while our governments
are insuring financial protection for the industry that is poisoning us?

This message is going out to everyone I know in an attempt to tell you the
truth that the corporate-owned politicians and media won't tell you.

The best way you can help to save yourself and your children from this
drug-induced epidemic is to forward this article to everyone. With any
luck, it will circle the globe before politicians can pass the legislation
protecting those who are poisoning us.

The food industry learned a lot from the tobacco industry. Imagine if big
tobacco had a bill like this in place before someone blew the whistle on

If you are one o f the few who can still believe that MSG is good for us and
you don't believe what John Erb has to say, see for yourself. Go to the
National Library of Medicine at   HYPERLINK "" . Type in the words "MSG Obese" and read a few of the 115
medical studies that a ppear.

We the public do not want to be rats in one giant experiment, and we do not
approve of food that makes us into a nation of obese, lethargic,addicted
sheep, feeding the food industry's bottom line while waiting for the heart
transplant, the diabetic-induced amputation, blindness, or other
obesity-induced, life-threatening disorders.

With your help we can put an end to this poison.
Do your part in sending this message out by word of mouth, e-mail, or by
distribution of t his printout to your friends all over the world and stop
this "Slow Poisoning of Mankind" by the packaged food industry.

Blowing the whistle on MSG is our responsibility, so get the word out.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Creating your own cleaning products for pennies!

Being creative in the kitchen is always fun for me but I have found a way to be even more creative by customizing my own cleaning products.

I am not a flowery scent lover and most cleaning products have too much perfume or chemical toxicity to them. Even ones that claim to be green or natural aren’t entirely that natural so to be safe I have begun making my own. In the end I choose the scent if I want scented and it ends up costing me a whole lot less than buying pre-made stuff.

The multi purposes for baking soda! There are any uses for baking soda and this is my favourite cleaning product by far. I create a large batch of baking soda and essential oils for use on my carpets for deodorizing, scrubbing my pots and pans and tubs and for adding to laundry to freshen and clean. I get a large container with a tight sealing lid and a whole lot of baking soda from Costco. I mix up about 3-4 boxes at a time of baking soda with lime, lemon and tea tree essential oil (about 15 drops of each) and shake well. Seal with lid and let sit for 24 hrs before using. For laundry add 1/4 to 1/3 of a cup with 1/2 a cup of vinegar along with laundry detergent ( I will teach you how to make that next) to your laundry load and run through. Clothes are softer, less static-y, cleaner and fresher! For pots and pans I simply sprinkle the pan with baking soda and add some dish soap and a tiny bit of water, using a scrub brush I am able to clean them spic and span getting all the stuck on food off with just a little elbow grease. I also do the same for a bath tub and it does get rid of soap grime!

For DIY homemade laundry detergent for PENNIES go to this site..There are 10 recipes for laundry detergent but keep in mind you need a very large bucket(at least 5 gallons) and a long handled mixing stick or spoon.

For fabric softener if you add vinegar to your wash load you won’t need fabric softener and you will be helping to keep your machine clean at the same time. If you like fragrance from your fabric softener add a few drops of essential oil to a scrap of damp cloth into your dryer load for fragrance.

Steam mops are a fantastic invention! I use mine to not only steam the floors but my shower stall, mattresses, pillows, my sofa and carpets. Mine comes with washable microfibre pads that I always add a few drops of essential oil to to freshen my home while I steam. For ultra clean change the pads with every room.I also suggest when buying a steam mop that you look for ones that don’t soak the pads from the get go as this makes drying time a lot longer. My mop is the Smart Living mop and I highly recommend this mop. I always steam mattresses and pillows etc during a bout of illness to help slow the spread of germs and most of the time thwart the spread altogether.

I also make my own cleaning spray with 1/2 cup of vinegar in an empty, clean spray bottle fill the rest with water and put 15 drops of lemon essential oil. Cleans everything nicely and the scent is fresh.

I hope you find these household cleaning product tips useful and money saving! I would love to hear yours!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Breastfeeding, Bullies and Births

I find that when it comes to the ongoing debate about breastfeeding that a woman can start to feel bullied by both sides. The pro-formula set tell you that their product is as good as breast milk or second to breast milk and the pro-breast feeders tell you only breast will do. Where I stand on the issue is a bit more complicated and has me feeling like both sides are the school yard bully.

When I was 15 I was pregnant with my first child, I was scared, naive but prepared to do the best I could and face the consequences of my actions. Out of fear I delayed letting people know of my pregnancy and did not get prenatal care until about 6 months along. Once the cat was out of the bag I sought proper care and thankfully everything was fine with my baby but I was another story. I have very severe asthma and at about 7 and a half months I had a very severe attack in which they were worried that my baby was not breathing. I was hospitalized and put on some heavy duty medication for the duration of my pregnancy. No one in the medical field could tell me that what they were giving me for my asthma was safe for my baby, no one would ease my mind. My entire late pregnancy I felt as if my doctors, the hospital where I gave birth (catholic hospital by the way) even when I delivered I felt as if they were punishing me for being so young and setting me up to fail. When I was hospitalized prior to the birth for my asthma attack they put me in a room with a man who was very sick and VERY contagious. He had some weird bowel/intestinal bug and frequently defecated in his bed and moaned constantly. Who puts a pregnant person in a room with someone who is contagious? During my labour they delayed and then 'accidentally' put the epidural in wrong so I had zero freezing, they left me alone in a room with a woman who was completely losing it during her labour to scare me while I was in early stages of labour. Once the baby was born they did not inform me of the state of my baby and made the assumption that I was giving my baby up for adoption and put me on a ward for heart patients without my child. When the 'mix up' was corrected they would not allow me to sleep with my baby, keep my baby in my room at night or even handle my child without supervision. They sent in countless chaplains to 'counsel' me, to pray with me and to try to talk me into doing the right thing. When it came time to feed my child because of the medication I was on they could not tell me how risky it would be for him to breastfeed so out of fear I opted to formula feed. I was 15, on social assistance, a single mom and formula feeding.

Fast forward to my pregnancy with my 5 year old, I was 32, educated, eating wholesome and organic foods with every intention of having a natural birth. I did everything right and found out that he was breech, I was adamant that I would have a natural birth! I went in to have the baby turned by the doctor...the pain was unbearable but I tolerated it with tears in my eyes and hand shaped bruises on my stomach to no success. I then had acupuncture done to turn the baby with some success but he turned back. Turns out he was breech because I had a uterine septum and he could not engage his head so I had a very unnatural C-Section. When it came time to nurse I tried so very hard, I went to the classes they held at the hospital, I went to outside breastfeeding counselling but that baby would NOT nurse. My doctor wanted me to prove to her that my child would not nurse so I proceeded to show her and she said she had never seen a baby fight so hard to NOT breastfeed in her entire career. So,for 8 months I pumped and supplemented with formula. I pumped so often I has blisters, I feel asleep many times with the pump attached only to wake up with sore nipples. I did WHATEVER I could do and still failed so now I was feeling the guilt and pressure of NOT being able to do what I wanted to do so badly. Something must be wrong with me right? When I would bottlefeed I would feel the judgmental eyes on me, I would see the looks passed and I would always get instruction or 'tips' on how to do it because after all that is what they are for and what is best for my baby. I would be a mess of tears and feelings of failure every single time I was given advice or told I must not be doing it right, that bottle feeding with formula was just horrible and why would anyone chose to formula feed.

Move on to my pregnancy with my 3 yr old. Everything did not go as planned but I was able to have a VBAC, I was able to enforce the no clamps or suction rule and I had a beautiful and eager to breastfeed baby boy. He seemed to be a natural, he also seemed insatiable and I was unable to master the left side we go again I thought. Once again I went to the classes, I went to the local LLL at the hospital, I talked to my doctor and finally after about 4 weeks got help from my friend. She came to my home and taught me how to handle the situation, to solve the very same problem many 'professionals' had failed to do. Yet again, the guilt from the inability to do it right hit me hard.

Many think because breastfeeding is natural that it just comes naturally but that is the furthest thing from the truth for many women. When women feel the need to sabotage someone else's self esteem because they cannot do something or do it as easily as they did it is destructive. It is destructive to be negative about formula feeding when sometimes it is just a necessity. It is destructive to tear at women who formula feeds especially when you have no idea of the circumstances. Yes breast milk IS best, yes it IS more budget friendly and yes it IS more convenient and if given the option I would have for every single baby but circumstances did not afford me that option every single time. Being a bully on either side is not productive it just adds further guilt and shame to an already volatile situation. Sometimes compassion goes a whole lot further, compassion can help relieve the guilt that a mother probably already feels when she is unable to do what is supposed to come naturally.

Now before we get into the advertising of formula or third world countries and formula I would like to stop it before it starts. I would also like to not get into hospitals pushing formula or any issues you may have with to formula companies, the freebies etc. This is solely about the pressures and guilt I felt with the whole situation.


It is a word that can be tossed around so lightly or a feeling that eludes you especially during a cold, dull grey winter month such as February. Oh February, how you have uninspired me. You are a short month but probably the most painful psychologically and I am glad you are over!
I spent most of February firmly planted in my head, not wanting to deal with anything or anyone who caused me stress. February made my neck cease up so badly I spent the last two weeks dealing with daily headaches and soreness. Today is March the 2nd so I will be visiting my chiropractor to adjust the February right out of me! Good riddance February!

Hello March, month of my birth, month of the pisces and the month that spring is supposed to....well, spring! March is a month that inspires hope, creativity and happiness because by the end of the month we hope that this grey shadow cast over us by winter is long gone and the flowers, birds and people are all peaking out from their hiding places. I like March even though every March I get older. When daylight savings time is in effect it allows for those of us who wake up to dark and finish work after dark to see daylight! The warmth of spring and summer affords us more outdoor time, walks along the boardwalk, more playtime in the park and the very best things in the world...ROADTRIPS!!! I am starting to feel inspired to start planning roadtrips, getting ideas and researching locations....this is the ultimate in family fun.

I try to plan trips that cost next to no money, only gas and maybe parking. We have picked up and gone to various beaches, Niagara Falls and various small towns in Ontario and loved every trip. I like taking the boys places where they can just run around and be boys without the borders of fences or traffic. This year will be no exception and my inspiration is bubbling! Yay for inspiration!

So I ask you dear readers...what is your inspiration? Do you have roadtrip inspirations for me?

Monday, February 15, 2010

In Honour of Family Day.....

I bring you the VERY BEST pancake recipe you will ever taste! You can vegan-i-fy it if you wish but it is mostly vegan!

1 1/4 cups soymilk unsweetened + 1 tbsp or lemon juice to create "buttermilk"
2 tbsp coconut milk powder to thicken butter milk
1/4 cup grapeseed oil ( light and has no really flavour to alter the taste of food but if pregnant do NOT use)
1 egg
1/4 cup of unbleached white spelt flour
1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup raw agave nectar
1 heaping tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of baking soda
pinch of salt

combine soymilk and lemon juice in bowl but do not mix together let sit
beat egg in separate bowl along
add in oil to mixing bowl and then egg, agave and stir together. add in coconut milk powder
mix together in separate bowl all dry in gredients but coconut milk powder and then gradually mix into wet mixture

use grapeseed oil to grease your frying pan or griddle as it is light and has a high smoke point

I personally like to combine blueberries, agave and maple syrup as a topping but the sky is the limit!

Monday, February 1, 2010

my smoothie recipe

this is what I drink every morning and I gave the reason for each ingredient. I mix it with an organic orange juice or soy milk but any juice will do. I also add a tsp of cinnamon and an inch sized piece of fresh ginger when ill or feeling rundown

a banana: potassium good for cardiovascular and bone health, aids in elimination, kidney health and eye health

1/3 to 1/2 cup frozen or fresh blueberries (seasonal): high levels of antioxidants, cardiovascular protection, promotes gastrointestinal health

strawberries about 5 or 6 frozen or fresh (seasonal): again antioxidants, vitamin C rich, manganese, dietary fibre and iodine as well as a good source of potassium, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, vitamin K, magnesium, and copper.

I use a protein powder called Vega Smoothie Infusion because you need a protein to help break down the sugars in the fruits and to provide a strong energy source, it also has a fibre source and some added vitamins in a hemp protein powder. you can opt for a soy protein or a dairy protein as well but I like the fact that the Vega does not alter the flavour of the smoothie like some other products can.

1/2 tsp of maca root powder: helps keep your body strong by regulating the endocrine system (hormone production), supports the adrenal glans, anti-cancer, natural pain reliever

1 tsp of spirulina powder: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinamide (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc, and large amounts of potassium. I also find that this aids in digestion and helps the body to eliminate regularily. There is also research into spirulina for decreasing allergic symptoms.

1 tsp acai powder; antioxidants, heart healthy fats, fibre

1 tsp pomegranate powder: antioxidants, reduces heart disease, reduces cholesterol, lowers systolic blood pressure, anti-cancer, prevents osteoarthritis, anti-inflammatory

1/2 to 1 ounce of aloe juice: aloe is a natural healing plant for both inside and out, also helps flush your system and heal your body faster

1 tsp sea vegetables for omega fatty acids, an added veggie source, thyroid health and is a natural anti-inflammatory

I also sometimes add 1 tsp of raw cacao powder: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sulfur for strong hair, nails and beautiful skin, anti-aging

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Distance, Health and Family.

Over a year ago my husband's father (my father-in-law) and his partner moved to Ecuador to retire, they did live in Vancouver on a boat prior to this so obviously an adventurous couple who enjoy their own company in small spaces. Recently Billy's father had some health issues that required surgery and he is now recuperating at home with his partner. This is difficult for them I am sure not having family nearby for support and help, it is also difficult for us too. Feeling helpless and not able to check in on him, not being able to give Shelley a break or being able to just see for ourselves the improvements. I have never met the man but he is my father-in-law and therefore by default someone very important to myself and my husband, the children and also being a long time partner to Shelley. Surgery of any type makes me nervous, medical intervention in a foreign country even more so. My own father had this surgery a few years back without telling me! I have been spending much time thinking about our fathers and their mortality, unfortunately a side effect of knowing a family member is ill. Thankfully he got the all clear and is well on the mend so now I think I can sleep better knowing that all is looking a whole lot brighter in their end if the world.

We got a notice/information pamphlet in the mail from Toronto Hydro informing us of a new billing amount and format. They are now upping the peak time price between the hours of 7am and 11am and 5pm and 9pm in the winter months is peak season and 11am and 5 pm is mid peak so the busiest times in our household for both activity and work. The difference in price is 4.4 cents per kWh during off peak, 8 cents during mid peak, 9.3 cents during peak times...WOW!!! You can bet I will be doing laundry off peak! I will also be even more diligent about lights and appliances being turned off and/or unplugged and power bars being shut off! They also installed what they call a Smart Meter which allows Hydro to record your actual consumption rather than estimated and allows the consumer to view their usage online.

The constant grey of Toronto in the winter months always gets to me, little sunshine, little greenery make for a long winter season. I start dreaming of moving elsewhere, having a nice piece of land on a lake somewhere and this winter is no exception...fingers crossed for those lottery tickets being winners!

I had a good idea for some DIY work as we still have to carpet the third floor staircase, the second floor hallway and landing but really cannot afford to have someone do it for us. The third floor staircase is tricky because they curve around and each stair is a different size and shape, I figure I can just carpet the actual stair itself with a staple gun and runner rugs cut to match the stair and paint the riser in a complimentary colour. This will allow us to have them carpeted for safety ( they are doozeys) and still look professional or well done. The hall won't be an issue for me to carpet but the landing may get tricky because of its odd shape but I am sure I can brainstorm a solution. This leaves just the trim in the bathroom to do and painting the bathroom walls to complete the renos, this would make me very happy to finally have it all done.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toxic Beauty, the Ugly Truth

It is no secret that I work in one of the most toxic industries and also the most loved industries by women. Women who will spend countless dollars and hours basking in...the beauty industry. I have a salon, in my home no less where my children, my husband and I are exposed to everything that I do there 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Every colour I use, every spray and gel I use the fumes are inhaled by myself, my clients and my family. So, why would I expose my family to these toxins? Well, I don't! Years ago I became aware of the toxicity in my environment and decided that for my own health and that of everyone around me I needed to make a change and I turned my salon into a green, eco-conscious, vegan salon. From the products I wash your hair with to the colour, to the washing of the towels, cleaning and electricity I use I am green! I am proud to be green! I am proud to be toxin free! I also feel better, look better and have better health than 5 years ago when I was using the regular hair salon products. I also changed my entire household to match from the food we eat to how we clean, medicate and put on our bodies we are cautious. I have become and obsessive label reader, an obsessive web searcher and completely reliant upon The Skin Deep Cosmetic database. I long ago memorized the list I am about to give you to keep these toxins out of your beauty care products. Here are the whats and whys to buying your beauty is going to get ugly!

This is a list of the bad in beauty care.
Phthatale family or di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) and di(2-ehtylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

Can result in: endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) and carcinogen linked to birth defects; premature breast developments; lowered sperm counts; testicular injury; damage to reproductive organs; lung, liver and kidney cancer

Why used: makes plastic soft and malleable.

Found in: nail polish, hair-straighteners and sprays, body lotions, and deodorants.

Banned in: Europe

Lauryl sulfate(SLS), Sodium laureth sulfate(SLES)

Can result in: suspected carcinogen linked kidney and liver damage; nervous system disruption; damage to eyes leading to cataracts; eczema and dermatitis, known to inflame skin layers.

Why used: foaming agent and emulsifier.

Found in: toothpaste, shampoo, bath salts, body and shower gels.

Banned in: Europe and Central America

Paraben preservatives or alkyl-p-hydroxybenzoates (methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl)

Can result in: hormone disrupter, estrogenic (mimics natural estrogens that leads to cancer); linked to breast cancer; skin rashes.

Why used: germicide and preservative.

Found in: conditioners, hair styling gels, nail creams, foundations, concealers, mascara, facial masks, skin creams, and deodorants, sunscreen, hair-colouring.

Banned in: Japan and Sweden. Under review in the UK.

Formaldehyde family or Diazolidinyl urea, 3-diol Imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM Hydantoin , Quaternium-15, Nitropropane-1, Formalin , Methanal , Methyl aldehyde, Methylene oxide, Morbicid acid, Oxymethylene

Can result in: carcinogen, causes allergic reactions and contact dermatitis; headaches; irritates mucous membranes; damaging to eyes; linked to joint and chest pain; depression; headaches; fatigue; dizziness and immune dysfunction.

Why used: disinfectant, germicide, fungicide, defoamer and preservative, cheap and mixes easily with water.

Found in: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, liquid antiseptic hand wash, skin lotions, bubble bath, hair care products, antiperspirants, nail polishes, talcs; mascara, mouthwash, make-up remover.

Banned in: Europe

Amine family Diethanolamine (DEA), triethanolamine (TEA), amonoethanolamine (MEA)

Can result in: hormone disrupter; carcinogen linked to liver and kidney cancer; irritant to hair and skin; corrosive to eyes; causes contact dermatitis; react with other chemicals to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Why used: emulsifier, pH adjuster, and preservative, foaming agent added to coconut oils.

Found in: shampoos, soaps, hairsprays, sunscreens, foundations, concealers, eyeliner, talc, face powders, shaving creams, hair colouring products (women and men), hair sprays.

Banned in: Currently under review in the USA, UK and Europe

Propylene / Butylene Glycol (PG)

Side Effect: linked to possible brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities respiratory and throat irritation, central nervous system depression, pulmonary oedema, brain damage, hypoglycaemia, skin rashes and dermatitis, neuro-toxin that weakens protein and cellular structure.

Why: cheap substitute for glycerine, humectant (retains moisture).

Found in: deodorants, body lotions, body washes, hair conditioner, hair gel, creams, hand-wipes, lipsticks.

Banned in: Europe

So you might ask well what can I use? Well I make my own body butter with essential oils for fragrance with coconut oil, which is antifungal, antibacterial naturally ( but that is another blog post) and Giovanni hair care both at home and in the salon as well as Green Beaver hair care and skin care. Green Beaver is also Canadian and makes awesome SLS free toothpaste! In my salon I also carry Rustic Rootz organic skincare, lovely hand made cupcake and cake shaped soaps with body butter on top for shaving, tub teas, bath bombs and body scrubs all made with organic ingredients, essential oils and completely vegan oh and I should mention made with a lot of love in Kincardine Ontario. I also highly suggest and before you tell me I am crazy because oil can't possibly clean your skin and not give you pimples...TRY IT!!!! It works amazingly well and is cheap. I also have another list here from a site which gives you a few more examples of the good but do your own research and READ LABELS!!!

Companies offering alternatives

Aubrey: hair, skin and body care products

Burt's Bees: chapsticks, skin care, makeup, hair care

BWC (Beauty without Cruelty): makeup and skin care

Dr. Hauschka: skin care products

Druide bath products and hair care

Ecco Bella: makeup, skin care and bath products


Giovanni: bath, hair and skin products

Juara Skincare

Lavera: makeup and skin care products

Little Forest Baby

MOP (Modern Organic Products): hair care products

Mychelle Dermaceuticals Naddara Suki Naturals

Weleda: cosmetics

Upurea has one of the largest selections of enviro-friendly skincare products sold online.

Hormone Help Naturally!

Maca is also known scientifically as Lepidiun meyenii and is it grown primarily for the healing wonders of its roots which are dried and kept in storage. This herb, which was considered sacred by the Incas, naturally grows in Peru’s Junin plateau.

Among the top health benefits of maca are:

Restoring strength and increasing the libido

The Incan warriors took the maca herb before they went to battle to keep their bodies strong and ready for rigorous physical activity. However, they realized that the herb also increased their libido so the warriors were forbidden from taking in maca after battle to protect the women folks from their sexual impulses. Word of maca’s power to restore strength and libido travelled to Europe, the United States and Japan leading to the planting of more maca and the popularity of maca supplements.

Regulate the Endocrine

Maca is a potent herb that can regulate the endocrine system which consists of glands that produce hormones necessary for essential body functions. The herb maca has been found effective in increasing a person’s energy levels, encourage growth and stimulate metabolic functions. The nutrients found in maca fuels the system and encourage hormone production.

Support adrenal glands

Maca is an adaptogen and as such helps in maintaining the overall health of the body. Its calcium, fatty acids and vitamins B1, B2, B12 content aids in the digestion process while its phosphorus as well as vitamins B12 and B1 works on the nervous system. On the other hand, the alkaloid content of maca helps the body assimilate all the nutrients required by the body.

Help in fighting cancer

The maca herb contains glucosinolate and fibers that help prevent some forms of cancer. The fatty acids content of the herb helps in improving the body’s immunity system. It also helps in lessening the chances of getting rickets, osteomalacia and other bone diseases.

Pain reliever

Maca contains terpenoids and saponins which gives it the power to relieve pain and act as expectorant, sedative and analgesic. Maca’s analgesic effect works not only to a specific body organ but generally.

Keeping Depression at Bay Naturally Part 2...5-HTP

This is information taken from The Progressive Health Site about the risks and benefits if taking 5 HTP for depression and other health issues

5-HTP is a supplement used to help with many conditions, including depression, obesity, carbohydrate craving, bulimia, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, migraine, headaches, and fibromyalgia.

Although there are several conditions, which are helped by, taking 5-HTP there are also dangers when taking it with out know how to take it.

Benefits of Taking 5-HTP

5-HTP is an amino acid. The body makes 5-HTP from tryptophan (an essential amino acid) and converts it to an important brain chemical known as serotonin.

Tryptophan and 5-HTP dietary supplements help raise serotonin levels in the brain, which may have a positive effect on sleep, mood, anxiety, aggression, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation.

  • Depression - Low levels of serotonin in the brain can contribute to the development of depression. Many drugs prescribed for depression increase serotonin levels. Some studies indicate that 5-HTP may be as effective as certain antidepressant drugs in treating individuals with mild to moderate depression.

    Such individuals have shown improvements in mood, anxiety, insomnia, and physical symptoms.
  • Fibromyalgia - 5-HTP has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce pain, stiffness, anxiety, and depression in individuals with fibromyalgia.
  • Insomnia - Medical research indicates that supplementation with tryptophan before bedtime can induce sleepiness and delay wake times. Studies also suggest that 5-HTP may be useful in treating insomnia associated with depression.
  • Headaches - Some studies suggest that 5-HTP may be effective in children and adults with various types of headaches including migraines.
  • Obesity - There is some evidence that low tryptophan levels may contribute to excess fat and carbohydrate intake.

When Not To Take 5-HTP

As with any supplement, 5-HTP can be abused. However, when used wisely, it has proven itself to be a safe and effective supplement.

While this supplement appears to be safe for most people, 5-HTP danger occurs when people mix 5-HTP with prescription medications and herbal supplements. Taking too much 5-HTP is also dangerous.

  • 5-HTP should not be taken concurrently with anti- depressants except under the supervision of a physician, because 5-HTP increases the activity of these drugs. Mixing SSRI medications and 5-HTP may result in a rare but extremely serious condition called serotonin syndrome. People with serotonin syndrome exhibit a variety of symptoms including confusion, restlessness, hallucinations, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Coma and death follow swiftly after symptoms appear.
  • 5-HTP should be avoided by pregnant women, nursing mothers and those with significant cardiovascular disease.
  • It is also contraindicated in those with carcinoid tumors.
  • Mixing 5 HTP with herbal supplements for depression such as St. John's Wort is also not recommended. Like SSRI medications, St. John's Wort alters the delicate balance of brain chemistry. 5 HTP can tip the balance into dangerous territory.

5-HTP Overdose

Individuals who take 5-HTP may expect it to act quickly, altering their mood overnight. Medications, supplements and herbs that act upon neurotransmitters usually need to be taken for several weeks before patients start to feel the effects.

Some people take more and more 5 HTP, hoping that taking more will increase the effectiveness more quickly. This can create a dangerous condition called, serotonin syndrome. Many alternate health practitioners recommend starting slowly with 5 HTP and taking it for only short periods of time to avoid dangerous overdoses.

5-HTP Side Effects

Reported side effects from taking 5-HTP include nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. Dangerous doses of 5-HTP can cause agitation, fast heart rate, a boost in blood pressure—and in rare cases, coma and even death.

Combining it with an antidepressant, any other drug that affects serotonin levels or herbal supplements like St. John's Wort can also cause such side effects. People who have heart disease, peptic ulcers, kidney disease, or clotting disorders should definitely not take this supplement.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Keeping Depression at Bay Naturally

If you live in a climate that has very little sun and warmth during the winter months than this may be the time you find your moods sinking. It is very common to suffer from S.A.D ( seasonal affective disorder) when you live in colder, darker climates and there are a few tricks to combating the mood swings. One that is very important in not only elevating your mood but also your immune system is vitamin D, an adults daily required dose is 2000 iu and most foods do not contain it but here is a list of naturally occurring vitamin D food sources, Cod-liver oil, egg yolk, halibut-liver oil, herring, liver, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, vitamin D fortified milk. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorous from the small intestine. It is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth and can boost your immune system. People who get sufficient vitamin D are less likely to get colon cancer and research suggests it may help treat irritable bowel diseases.

Omega fatty acids are an essential part of dealing with depression or seasonal depression. It all has to do with your nerve endings, the signals they send and lack of omega fatty acids interferes with these signals. People hospitalized for test low for these. Check out this in depth site for the rest of the benefits of taking omega fatty acids including asthma, arthritis and many more common ailments

B vitamins give you boundless energy, perk you up more than coffee and are very important for many reasons but when it comes specifically to dealing with your mood/depressions the B-complex vitamins are essential to mental and emotional well-being. They cannot be stored in our bodies, so we depend entirely on our daily diet to supply them. B vitamins are destroyed by alcohol, refined sugars, nicotine, and caffeine so it is no surprise that many people may be deficient in these.

I am cutting and pasting this because the information is so vast about B vitamins....all great info!!!

Here's a rundown of recent finding about the relationship of B-complex vitamins to depression:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): The brain uses this vitamin to help convert glucose, or blood sugar, into fuel, and without it the brain rapidly runs out of energy. This can lead to fatigue, depression, irritability, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. Deficiencies can also cause memory problems, loss of appetite, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders. The consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as simple sugars, drains the body's B1 supply.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): Pellagra-which produces psychosis and dementia, among other symptoms-was eventually found to be caused by niacin deficiency. Many commercial food products now contain niacin, and pellagra has virtually disappeared. However, subclinical deficiencies of vitamin B3 can produce agitation and anxiety, as well as mental and physical slowness.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Symptoms of deficiency are fatigue, chronic stress, and depression. Vitamin B5 is needed for hormone formation and the uptake of amino acids and the brain chemical acetylcholine, which combine to prevent certain types of depression.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): This vitamin aids in the processing of amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins and some hormones. It is needed in the manufacture of serotonin, melatonin and dopamine. Vitamin B6 deficiencies, although very rare, cause impaired immunity, skin lesions, and mental confusion. A marginal deficiency sometimes occurs in alcoholics, patients with kidney failure, and women using oral contraceptives. MAOIs, ironically, may also lead to a shortage of this vitamin. Many nutritionally oriented doctors believe that most diets do not provide optimal amounts of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B12: Because vitamin B12 is important to red blood cell formation, deficiency leads to an oxygen-transport problem known as pernicious anemia. This disorder can cause mood swings, paranoia, irritability, confusion, dementia, hallucinations, or mania, eventually followed by appetite loss, dizziness, weakness, shortage of breath, heart palpitations, diarrhea, and tingling sensations in the extremities. Deficiencies take a long time to develop, since the body stores a three- to five-year supply in the liver. When shortages do occur, they are often due to a lack of intrinsic factor, an enzyme that allows vitamin B12 to be absorbed in the intestinal tract. Since intrinsic factor diminishes with age, older people are more prone to B12 deficiencies.
  • Folic acid: This B vitamin is needed for DNA synthesis. It is also necessary for the production of SAM (S-adenosyl methionine). Poor dietary habits contribute to folic acid deficiencies, as do illness, alcoholism, and various drugs, including aspirin, birth control pills, barbiturates, and anticonvulsants. It is usually administered along with vitamin B12, since a B12 deficiency can mask a folic acid deficiency. Pregnant women are often advised to take this vitamin to prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus.

Vitamin C is also necessary in helping your body fight off illness but also in helping the body produce and store other vitamins and minerals. Aspirin, tetracycline and birth control deplete the body's supply so make sure to take your supplements to ward off depression.

Magnesium deficiency can result in depressive symptoms, along with confusion, agitation, anxiety, and hallucinations, as well as a variety of physical problems. Most diets do not include enough magnesium, and stress also contributes to magnesium depletion

Calcium depletion affects the central nervous system. Low levels of calcium cause nervousness, apprehension, irritability, and numbness.

Zinc inadequacies result in apathy, lack of appetite, and lethargy. When zinc is low, copper in the body can increase to toxic levels, resulting in paranoia and fearfulness.

Depression is often a symptom of chronic iron deficiency. Other symptoms include general weakness, listlessness, exhaustion, lack of appetite, and headaches

Manganese, this metal is needed for proper use of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. Since it also plays a role in amino-acid formation, a deficiency may contribute to depression stemming from low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Manganese also helps stabilize blood sugar and prevent hypoglycemic mood swings.

Potassium depletion is frequently associated with depression, tearfulness, weakness, and fatigue.

I hope this information is helpful to many of you because this is a serious issue for myself and I am sure anyone else who lives in a dull, grey, winter climate.

Adventures in Vegan Baking part 2

So after a very good start with the red velvet vegan cupcakes from the babycakes cookbook ( aside from a less than stellar cream cheese (soy) cherry icing, too runny because I actually bought the vegan sour cream rather than the thicker cream cheese. Tasted really good but ran way too much), I decided to give the vanilla cupcakes a shot. The cupcakes themselves just came out of the oven a few minutes ago, I made 24 minis and 12 regular sized, tasted them sans icing and they are ok. Because all the oil is coconut oil in this baking everything has a coconut taste, to me this is ok because I like that flavour but it is distinct. I did not add the lemon zest it called for because we had no lemons so it was omitted but everything else was as called for. A more stable cake for sure than the red velvet, less crumbly and a little heartier. The icing has turned out to be a bit trickier because again it calls for coconut oil, as coconut oil cools it turns into a solid so in the mixer did not emulsify well but I noticed this quickly and changed it to the food processor and saved the icing. Unfortunately the icing takes 6 hrs to chill and get thick, I am hoping that by having it in the freezer and just mixing it around now and then I can cut that time so we can have the cupcakes for dessert. The recipe does make a lot of frosting so I am sure I can get more than one batch of cupcakes out of it. I did substitute the soy milk powder with coconut milk powder for a nicer flavour, although more expensive coconut milk powder is much tastier! I am really enjoying trying these recipes, they are almost all gluten free, all vegan, all bad fat free and processed sugar free which I LOVE! I am sure I will get the hang of things now that I have more confidence with this book, understanding what does what in the recipe and realizing that if the batter is runnier than a regular batter it is ok. I am sure the boys will love them!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

baking vegan style

I discovered a New York City secret some time ago that secret was Babycakes! Not living in New York makes it impossible to actually procure these vegan delights but they brought out a cookbook and this was gifted to me at Christmas. Today I decided to try my hand after stocking up at the grocery store on needed items over the last two weeks. Todays attempt was Red Velvet Cupcakes...the batter was interesting to make without egg, butter or milk, I was truly skeptical! After putting the batter in my new silicone cupcake pans (again another gift) I discovered it tasted delicious! I am now looking at the baked cupcakes and although the tops feel somewhat they look beautiful. I think I might forego the recipe book's frosting in favour of a soy cream cheese made up one as their vanilla frosting requires 6 hrs of cooling and these cupcakes are meant for tonight's dessert. I also opted not to use food colouring as i did not have a natural source readily but the natural raw cacoa I used did turn them a nice red tone. I am actually excited to have the boys try these as they have no processed products in them at all.

EDIT* i had one cupcake that had sunk too much to fix with frosting so I tried it out and the cake is super moist, a great cake texture, rich as all get out! Has a slight coconutty flavour because coconut oil is used instead of butter but the richness is amazing for something completely vegan! YUM!!!