Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It is a word that can be tossed around so lightly or a feeling that eludes you especially during a cold, dull grey winter month such as February. Oh February, how you have uninspired me. You are a short month but probably the most painful psychologically and I am glad you are over!
I spent most of February firmly planted in my head, not wanting to deal with anything or anyone who caused me stress. February made my neck cease up so badly I spent the last two weeks dealing with daily headaches and soreness. Today is March the 2nd so I will be visiting my chiropractor to adjust the February right out of me! Good riddance February!

Hello March, month of my birth, month of the pisces and the month that spring is supposed to....well, spring! March is a month that inspires hope, creativity and happiness because by the end of the month we hope that this grey shadow cast over us by winter is long gone and the flowers, birds and people are all peaking out from their hiding places. I like March even though every March I get older. When daylight savings time is in effect it allows for those of us who wake up to dark and finish work after dark to see daylight! The warmth of spring and summer affords us more outdoor time, walks along the boardwalk, more playtime in the park and the very best things in the world...ROADTRIPS!!! I am starting to feel inspired to start planning roadtrips, getting ideas and researching locations....this is the ultimate in family fun.

I try to plan trips that cost next to no money, only gas and maybe parking. We have picked up and gone to various beaches, Niagara Falls and various small towns in Ontario and loved every trip. I like taking the boys places where they can just run around and be boys without the borders of fences or traffic. This year will be no exception and my inspiration is bubbling! Yay for inspiration!

So I ask you dear readers...what is your inspiration? Do you have roadtrip inspirations for me?


  1. Elliot Lake!!!
    we can hang together by the beach this summer :)

    beautiful clean water with nice campgrounds, etc, etc...

  2. My inspiration is the smell in the air when the ground it wet from the melting snow. It just fills my chest and opens my eyes, and really wakes me up. It's like I spend the winter in a sleepwalk, and it isn't until the soil becomes bare that I wake up.
    Roadtrip: See as I just got my license I want to go everywhere, but this summer I would like to take a roadtrip to go strawberry picking or apple picking (fall for the latter I know).
