Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 For Dummies
I had many things to think about, suicide, accidental death,natural death...death being my least favourite subject! It was also a time of another kind of loss, many clients, friends and family lost jobs. Money became an issue even more and many people wondered how they would have enough to even cover their rent. 2009 brought about some family changes as well but for the most part all very welcome and positive. Hearts do soften and time does heal, that was a big lesson this past year. I have had a lot of growth, learning to understand myself more, my needs, my tolerances and my shortcomings. I have come to understand where I want to go and where I want to be. I understand why I love people and why I need to let others go...this is all about my growth. I have never been in a more positive place in my life, never had such a peaceful heart as I do at this moment. Although I could always use more money I have riches beyond measure in so many ways. Those moments in 2009 that brought tears and turmoil served as a reminder that life simply cannot be taken for granted. Enjoy what we have and appreciate it, don't lose sight of your goals but don't take for granted the good you have at THIS moment. 2010 welcome to my life!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
on these days in 2006.....
Dec. 29th, 2006 | 04:20 am
my water broke...I thought I peed myself
Home Sweet Home aka the Frankenvagina Returns
Dec. 31st, 2006 | 10:24 am
Let me start by saying waking up or rather being woken up at 4 am by feeling like you peed the bed is about as bad as it can get in the field of humiliation....thinking *wow I have to wake my husband to tell him I peed the bed so we can change the sheets, how nice for me*...
Surprise! Not urine but a very blatant I am on my way out sign from Rowan.
I am now home and will post a birth story later for all those dying to know the gory details but for now I say it is good to be home and to have slept in my own bed, I shall save the drama for you mamas later! Now I go rest my weary eyes and nether regions.
The Obligatory New Year's Eve Post.
Dec. 31st, 2006 | 04:19 pm
Not much to say but 2006 saw a great many things come about for me which have all been positive. Home salon is doing well, met the man I am married to who I adore, have a full family unit and the piece de resistance is that Rowan came just in time to ring in the New Year! Bring on 2007!!!! I have a lot of love in my heart and I hope you do too.
The Birth Story or How to Birth Baby Before 6 pm When your Doctor's Shift is Up!
Jan. 3rd, 2007 | 05:57 pm
4:12 am my water broke...rather trickled making me think I wet my bed in my sleep...when I stood up it was definitely my water breaking! I showered while Billy called my mom to let her know to get her sleepy butt here to watch the children. Apparently my mom was thinking she could come at a more reasonable time until I called her and told her that the children needed an adult even if they were still mother must do crack sometimes but THAT is another story. I chalked her stupidity up to being woken up at 4:30 am and that is the story I am sticking to. Billy had to go pick up my mom because my stepfather refused to wake up so that took a bit of time, in the meantime I cleaned my bedroom (which if you have ever been in my room it is rarely tidy) but the power of nesting compelled me to at least bring new baby home to less clutter where he sleeps. Finally we get to the hospital, B drops me off at the doors I go up to triage alone while he finds suitable aka cheap as he can find parking and I get signed in to triage. We get our cubicle in triage, I get hooked up to a fetal heart monitor and a contraction monitor as well as my IV penicillin...yay GBS positive! Rowan is doing fine, contractions are coming but with no great consistency or strength, I doze in and out of sleep until the doctors come to see me, check to see how thin my cervix is and how far I am dilated and at that point I am about 50% effaced and 2-3 cm dilated so they leave me be for a couple of hours to see if we actually go into active labour. By 11 am I am admitted into a birthing room and the doc tells me due to my GBS positive state they need to move this labour along so they say Oxytocin and I cringe in fear and horror but I know at this stage it is for the best. He says first things first I need an epidural, I challenge this but he says we can keep it dry until such time as I need it if I like but he says that being a VBAC is a risk and if they need to operate it'll be immediate so there needs to be preparations made and having the epidural in will save valuable time and I agree reluctantly. I get the epidural...seriously I am not a fan of getting this done AT ALL! B almost passes out from either the smell of it or the actual action of the doc who knows but he has to go sit down and I laugh wholeheartedly with the nurse about how tough my man is. I am all needled up, got my IV flowing and now the Oxytocin in and the anesthesiologist says that he thinks it is best to get the epidural running now that the Oxytocin is in because he wants to make sure it is actually working in case I need to go to surgery. At this point I relent, nothing has gone my way so far anyway why start now. He runs it at minimal dose and we wait...
By 3 pm my contractions can be felt through the epidural and as tough as I am trying to stay I can't handle the pain anymore and need to up my dose of meds so I push the button and continue to do so every ten minutes until it is time to push which doesn't happen until about 5:15 so pain she is my mistress for several hours. Thank heavens for Billy and the amazing nurse I had and my awesome not too invasive doctor! When having a baby you can have no shame, you cannot be shy or weird about everyone having their head's, hands and what not in your genitals, you cannot be weird about bodily fluids and you most certainly cannot be squeamish about people touching your no-no places in ways no one has ever or will ever touch you again. By the time I was ready to push I felt like the doctor and I had been dating for years he was so familiar with my parts. The removed the external fetal heart monitor from my belly and actually attached one to Rowan's head which then sounded like a loud game of Pong and as I pushed I could hear his heart rate drop and then elevate but it was going so slowly and finally when I heard his heart rate drop under 61 and not return to normal I panicked and pushed myself to push harder, I unfortunately required an episiotomy and that helped get Rowan out a lot faster. He came out wrapped in his umbilical cord from head to toe and was quite blue but after they untangled him and B cut the cord he became a normal colour. He scored first an 8 on the Apgar and then a 9 and when I got to finally hold him I was stunned! I had a baby with hair!!! Not just a little hair but a fair bit of DARK hair!!! AND he was not pastey white! This could not be my child! At 5:55 pm on Friday December 29th Rowan William was born. Rowan weighed in at 7lbs 7.4 oz and over 19 cm in length...I was so relieved he was not much bigger!
My husband was amazing, he really was such a good coach and trooper, my team was amazing with exception of my resident, who when stitching me up was clumsy and SLOW and had me wanting to punch him. Overall, for a highly risky and medically intervened birth it was a great experience.
The only thing I am pissy about is once I got up on the ward my semi- private room was probably more noisy than bunking with the four gals I did last time. I was dead asleep at 11 pm and they moved this lady in who also had her WHOLE family with her and they were loud, her husband, their kids, the mother and mother in-law, the father and father-in-law the whole kitten caboodle! I did not get any sleep in the hospital and they kept the Oxytocin running until 6 am the next morning because my nurse forgot to remove it and even though I took the pain meds they gave the contraction pain was unbelievably horrid and it kept me awake the entire night and at 6 when I happened to look at the sticker on the bag and realize it was Oxytocin running through me I freaked out. I told them they needed to come right way or I was taking the IV out myself, I was literally contracting like I had been during birthing but with no epidural and no meds but tylenol.
Rowan took to nursing right away, I could not get the latch down, I have since figured it out on one side! I am still diligently working on the other side but in the meantime I pump and pump and pump every three hours...I am a trooper.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hope for the Hopeless?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So Chuffed!
Today marks 12 years of sobriety for my husband and that is quite the accomplishment for him! Life is not always easy to handle and it would be so easy to turn back to drugs and alcohol I am sure but he has not.
It is almost mid November and already the bookings for Christmas are rolling in, it is always a busy time and this year will be no exception. This year the boys are at such a great age for Christmas, they actually understand and have a lot of excitement about it. The Toronto Santa Claus Parade is this Sunday maybe we can catch it this year. It promises to be bigger and better this year but with our current economy I wonder. Speaking of Christmas, I find it very frustrating how retailers really play on guilt and money spent= amount of love you have. I really don't want our children to think that this is OK but when it is advertised to them daily multiple times a day how can they not get that idea. Maybe this year the family should volunteer at a shelter so they can understand how lucky they are and also help make someone else's holiday a little more special. I think I will look into this and see what we can do.
Jack continues to amaze his teacher at school with his knowledge and passion for learning. He makes me so proud. Aiden does well in school but does require more discipline when it comes to homework as he tries very hard to not do it or not complete it totally. I realize it is hard for him with what goes on at his mother's and the difference in rules between the two homes. Also, since the introduction of yet another new boyfriend he has started displaying some negtaive behaviours again. I really hope he can be kept out of his mother's relationships because it is not helping him to trust and form bonds. He is such an sweet kid and seeing the hurt in his eyes when these men are gone from his life is so hard for us. Rowan has become Chatty Cathy lately, he always had a great vocabulary and enunciation but lately he is really able to form the sounds properly and express himself. They are growing up so fast it makes me cry sometimes just how big they are getting.
I am still recovering from one doozey of a chest infection, not the best time of year for it but it seems to be the pattern. all in all though everyone is happy, healthy and doing well.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Serenity now
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
H1N1 facts, Vaccine Facts
This was sent from a Naturopath to her patients.
This week has started with a flood of emails and phone calls with questions regarding the H1N1 vaccine, so I have decided to address it with a newsletter. I will not make your decision about whether or not to get the shot, but instead attempt to provide some clear information so that you can make an informed decision.
Facts about the H1N1 flu:
* The estimated worldwide incidence of the H1N1 influenza is at 526,735 cases as of today. The reported number of deaths is 6,873.
* In Canada there have been 12,038 verified cases, and 91 reported deaths due to the H1N1 virus.
* These numbers may not be accurate, as currently (since June 2009), most people with flu-like symptoms are not tested for the H1N1 virus, and continue to recover at home.
* In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter flu season is now over. In spite of dire predictions, only 185 people died from the H1N1 virus in Australia - considerably fewer than the roughly 3,000 who die from the seasonal influenza each year. These numbers also reflect a completely unvaccinated population.
* The World Health Organization claims that 30-50% of people infected with influenza have mild or no symptoms at all.
* The incidence of this strain of influenza appears to be higher in younger adults than the seasonal flu.
* Pregnant women are not at increased risk of catching the H1N1 virus, but they are at higher risk of severe illness if contracted.
* People with underlying health issues, such as asthma and diabetes appear to have a higher risk of complications due to the H1N1 virus.
Facts about the H1N1 vaccine:
* Canada has chosen the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine "AREPANRIX" which has two components, the antigen and an adjuvant. The adjuvant portion is added to reduce the amount of vaccine needed per dose. This is why the vaccine has become available so quickly. Pregnant women will receive a different version of the vaccine without the adjuvant.
* The vaccine has not been put through extensive studies, and has not been tested on several age-groups at all. The vaccine has not been tested on children under 3 years, children 10-17 years old, or on pregnant women.
* It contains several know toxic ingredients: thimerosal (mercury) and formaldehyde in the antigen component, and squalene and polysorbate 80 in the adjuvant. There is concern around the safety of thimerosal in children related to brain development. Squalene has been questioned in possibly inducing autoimmune disease such as arthritis and other chronic inflammatory disease. Polysorbate 80 has been called a 'hidden inductor' of anaphylactoid reactions. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen. These are all in very small amounts in the vaccine, but they are present.
* Studies show that even the best unadjuvanted flu vaccines only protect six out of 10 people who get the shot. Experts believe an adjuvanted flu vaccine could boost protection rates to as high as nine in 10.
* Vaccine side-effects (noted from the day of vaccination and for 6 more days only):
Day 0 to Day 6 Adverse Events
Adverse reaction
H1N1 vaccine with adjuvant - single dose
H1N1 unadjuvanted vaccine - single dose
89.9% 59.1%
31.7% 4.5%
30.2% 1.5%
15.9% 10.6%
14.3% 7.6%
Arthralgia (joint pain)
14.3% 3.0%
Myalgia (muscle pain)
15.9% 4.5%
3.2% 4.5%
6.3% 4.5%
0.0% 0.0%
* Overall, if you choose to vaccinate, the non-adjuvant version of the vaccine appears to have less toxicity and fewer adverse reactions, but may be less effective. This is the one that is ordered for pregnant women, but may not be available to other individuals.
* At the present time, I would recommend weighing your personal risks and benefits for vaccination. Some people have a very low risk of exposure to the H1N1 flu, as well as less chance of complications, while others are at higher risk.
In conclusion, I would recommend that no matter what choice you make regarding the vaccine, that you book an appointment (in person or a phone consult) with your doctor or naturopath to discuss preventative and proactive strategies:
* If you are not getting the H1N1 vaccine, they will discuss ways of boosting your immune system, strategies for flu prevention, and what to do at first signs of illness if you do get sick.
* If you are getting the vaccine, they will discuss a protocol to reduce the risk of an adverse reaction to the shot, and recommendations to lower your chance of an autoimmune reaction from the vaccine.
1. Health Canada: Product Information Leaflet Arepanrix™ H1N1 AS03-Adjuvanted H1N1 Pandemic Influenza Vaccine (
2. Swine Flu Count:
3. Public Health Agency of Canada: Frequently Asked Questions - H1N1 Flu Virus (
Oh the debate rages on...and on...and on
*the seemingly healthy 13 yr old boy was revealed to have asthma and a pre-existing heart condition and the other deaths related to H1N1 all had at least one underlying health issue.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Oh What A Challenge Today Has Been...
Sadly the children's mutant germs have managed to find their way into my body through an advanced form of cuddling that they teach 2 years to infect us parents thoroughly and accutely. The 2 year old enters your bed in the night with a fever and sniffly nose 'needing' mama, said 2 year old proceeds to snuggle up to your face, wipe their snot on your face, cough in your face, keep you from sleeping or getting proper rest and voila the rest is simply a matter of time. A sophisticated form of virus renewal and advancement. Now keep in mind you are not safe from children of any age but they try to get you with the youngest because you are blinded by their cuteness and 'need' for you.
I shall take my alien, children germs elsewhere to sweat it out and hack and wheeze in peace. SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Rustic Rootz Digs Deep and Takes Hold of The Skin Care Industry
Paula has been creating organic, chemical free, hand made, vegan, cruelty-free body/hair care creations in her home under the name Rustic Rootz. Just looking at the beautifully presented products makes you hungry! There are soap cakes, cupcake bath bombs, tub teas, massage bars, body scrubs and the list goes on of food inspired body care creations made from the most scrumptious of essential oils and foods. Strawberry vanilla cupcake bath bombs with vanilla buttercream body butter just makes me drool thinking about them or the chai tea soap bar, heavenly! What about a blueberry or pomegranate body scrub? I am salivating just thinking about them all.
Thanks to Paula's ingenuity and care for her body and the earth she has created something so lovely and delectable I could not help but get these tasty little darlings in my salon! Finally a skincare line I can believe in and not a moment too soon with the holiday season fast approaching. I am so excited to try them all out myself and on my children and I hope you are too!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I never meant to cause you trouble and I never meant to do you wrong
I seem to be an expert on life lessons having learned a great many over my 37 years on this planet. I seem to be the one who learns the hard way, always taking the long and winding road rather than the direct and sensible route. What can I say, I like to drag things out. The one lesson I have emblazoned in my mind is that nothing is predictable, nothing is set in stone and thinking you have control is absolutely ridiculous because you don't. Sometimes I have to just let go and fly without a parachute, sometimes I just have to relinquish the reins and let life drive. Please life, drive me towards a home in the country....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
of homes, family and living s simple life.
Rowan began a career in film this week. He was chosen to play drums on pots and pans for a documentary on drummers featuring Corky Laing ( Mountain), Levon Helm(The Band), Jason Bonham (John Bonham's son) and many more. Our boy is going to be in the intro bashing away on the pots and pans! He was so great and we will get a copy of the footage.
I always seem to fall back on the same thoughts about blossoming, renewing and evolving your thoughts and the world around you and stagnating in the patterns you currently have in your life. I know for certain I have changed which is why I find it hard to communicate with the same people I once did when I was in a more fragile or negative state. To watch them repeatedly make the same judgement calls and then wonder why life is not so good to them is hard for me to sit and watch. I cannot say or do anything to help improve their lives because it is not my life to mess with, I can offer advice but i know it is either falling on deaf ears or simply a wasted breathe. Life is not always good for everyone, we all go through our troubled times but the lessons we learn from our difficulties is what helps make us stronger and more capable of facing future issues. Life is not always rosy in the Miles household but we are a team and have to stick together to make it through. I am very greatful that my co-captain is such a good team mate.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Kicking the Cold Habit
I have cut and pasted a site that is very generous in providing the recipe and here is what i have taken from that site
Here are two recipes for Thieves Oil. One from Karen another from Debbie.
Thieves Oil recipes:
- Equal amounts of eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon, clove and lemon. Mix with base of olive oil. I usually put a tablespoon of each in a 2 oz. bottle and then fill the rest with olive oil. you can make a larger batch in a quart jar following the same proportion method.
- Same ingredients, but measured out in different strength's. Clove Bud Oil 200 drops, Lemon Oil 175 drops, Cinnamon Oil 100 drops, Eucalyptus Oil 75 drops, Rosemary 50 drops.
Thieves Oil Courtesy of Caroline Rogers founder of Nutrition Naturally and co-owner of The Tidewater Companion- A Holistic Health Directory and Resource Guide!
SUGGESTIONS FOR COLDS: According to the People's Desk Reference For Essential Oils, (The PDR) the following single oils are suggested: lavender, lemon, marjoram, frankincense, eucalyptus, melaleuca and rosemary. Young Living produces quality blends; recommended formulas include: Thieves, R.C., Di-Tone or Purification. Also suggested is a raindrop therapy treatment--see massage page for information.
THIEVES: Clove * Lemon * Cinnamon * Eucalyptus * Rosemary * An Essential Oil blend formulated by Gary Young, N.D.,owner of Young Living Essential Oils, Payson, Utah.
REMEMBER: The stimulating aroma of cinnamon or cloves, but if you touched your lips with it, it could cause irritation.... or the fresh aroma of lemon and sipping a hot fresh squeezed lemon drink with honey if you had a cold or sore throat... and Vick's Vapor Rub....the menthol aroma...your Mom would rub it on your chest to help you breathe easier at night in times of congestion....the pungent rosemary herb in cooking...
Aromas evoke memories, and memories lead to family recipes in times of healing for use in colds, flu., congestion, headaches, body aches etc. The Thieves blend is such a recipe, historically recorded in the era during the plague. History records that the perfumers seemed to have an immunity against the plague.
Here is one story: The Four Thieves Vinegar. Perfumers by day, robbers by night. Four men made a concoction of herbs and essential oils in a base of vinegar and would douse their body with this before they went our plundering! They had a pretty good track record of stealing riches until the King found out and captured them, forcing them to give up their secret weapon against the plague. The herbal ingredients were wormwood, meadowsweet, juniper berries, rosemary, camphor, sage, cinnamon and cloves in a base of white wine vinegar.
PRESENT DAY THIEVES: The essential oils contained within this formula have been noted for anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic and anti-catarrhyal properties while stimulating the immune system, circulation and the respiratory system. According to research at Weber State University, Thieves was found to have a 99% kill rate against airborne bacteria when diffused.
MY EXPERIENCE: Due to the cinnamon and clove contained, one must be cautious--it may cause irritation if improperly used. Fair skinned, blue-eyed individuals, redheads and those who tend to sunburn easily need to heed and dilute Thieves in a carrier oil (such as almond ) before applying to the skin. I have used 1-2 drops of Thieves on the bottom of my feet and also at the nape of the neck. Other places could be under the arms,and on the chest. I do not suggest using this in a bath or in a sauna! Diffuse for only short periods of time--20 minutes or less at work or at home. I used a lot of Thieves during January and February and felt the results were positive.
Specifically you want to use the following oils for these reasons,
Clove oil - the highest scoring single ingredient tested for it's antioxidant capacity on the ORAC scale.
Lemon Oil - a solvent and cleaners, also a power antioxidant.
Cinnamon Bark - very high in antioxidants and also known to support the digestive system.
Ecalyputs Radiata - Highly effective against bacterial in topical applications.
Rosemary oil - naturally energizing and beneficial for helping restore mental alertness.
I mixed my thieves in a carrier of coconut oil and use it as a chest, neck and back rub when the boys are sick. I also put drops on my steam mop pad and steamed the mattresses and diffused some in their bedroom for 30 mins.
You can make a spray using 25 drops of thieves oils blend in some water and vinegar for cleaning, it is highly anti-viral and antibacterial so you don't have to use harsh chemicals to clean. The smell is amazing and spicy as well...makes for a great smelling home!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Autumn, the time of physical change
It is the time of year where big changes and preparations are made for the upcoming winter season in nature. Animals prepare to hibernate, trees shed their leaves in anticipation of the frozen slumber, plants die or fall into their winter sleep patterns and humans start to bundle up and spend more time indoors. The heat has been turned on now, warm coats, mitts, hats and boots are all purchased and getting some use and I look at the calendar and this is where I realize I am quickly approaching my very busy time. Though my head is still stuck at the cottage under the warm sun and thinking about the glint of diamonds on the water I really must snap out of it. Summer is over and this is the time to start planning for the next two months. My calendar is filling up with clients eager to look their very best for their holiday parties and Christmas with their loved ones and I am still longing for the summer. Still longing for the country, the lake and away from the city.
One day I hope to fufill that dream of country living, maybe in the not too distant future we can become country folk with a farmhouse and lots of space for the boys to run, play and learn how to grow their own vegetables and fruit. I dream big! In the meantime I am here in the city I once adored, doing a job I love most days and spending time with my very large family. I am blessed. I do not take these blessing for granted, we have a nice home, we have a very close family and I have a very nice, large studio space so until that country house is purchased I am content to enjoy what we have in the city.
I made a decision last year that I would no longer place any hope in my mother any more. I have kept to it, although she does call when she wants her hair done, gives a cockamamee half attempt at a desire to see the boys but then never calls on the day she says she wants to see them or comes over. I am very aware that the only thing she really wants from me is free haircuts and colours and sadly I think the boys have begun to realize it too. She called a few days before Thanksgiving to find out about dinner but I said we would be out of town and she then said she still wanted to see us that weekend and would probably be by on Saturday. Saturday came and went and no word from her and I am really not surprised. Maybe I should care a bit more for the boys sake but this is a woman who has rarely been a mother to me and seems to have no desire to be a grandmother other than to hang photos in her cubicle and boast about how cute her grandchildren are. This Christmas I will not wait until 3 days before Christmas eve to hear from her, this year we will not be having a dinner with her. This year I will reserve for the people who are in my life on a daily basis, who love my children and show them all the time. Who my children see weekly or more and who I respect and love. This year is about the true meaning of family not just a free meal and out the door. This year will be extra special because it will be about love and not because someone wants to pay a quarterly visit out of duty.
In other news, things are going well for Jack and Aiden in school. Rowan REALLY wants to go to school as well and everyone here is potty trained now so NO MORE DIAPERS!!! I cannot tell you how nice it is to NOT have to change a poopie diaper....almost 5 years straight of poopies diaper and now NO MORE!!!! Jack took almost 2.5 years to toilet train simply because he is stubborn and once he sets his mind to something he never gives in. "Why go potty mommy when you are just going to change me anyway?", with the looming threat of not be ing able to go to school he thankfully trained by summer but it was an uphill battle! Rowan trained in 1 week and now he has it! 2.5 years old and he is done with diapers and onto the Spiderman undies. His reward for training will be the new Transformers movie because I am sick of watching the first one 5 times plus a day, I also ordered him a special Wiggles t-shirt from Ebay and he has requested a BumbleBee toy ( Transformers character). Jack got a Nintendo DS when he trained so it is only fair.
Things continue to be tense with Aiden's mom and us although better than it has been. She really has no clue that I was her biggest advocate and she messed it up so I no longer go to bat for her with my husband. The biggest mistake women make is to think that another woman is automatically their enemy. Moms are very important in a child's life even if the mom is not doing her part. A child needs to have their parents around and I think perhaps she may have finally realized this. Time will tell but I keep my fingers crossed for Aiden's sake. Too many people in and out of his life he requires more stability than that. He is a great kid with a whole lot of love to give and he deserves it all right back in spades.
On a final note I am trying to help my husband realize that being hasty is not always the best way to be. That the past is the past and you cannot change what was but you can certainly change what might be. Keeping an open mind to what the future throws at is is the best way to get everything you want and need out of life and just maybe something you didn't expect either.
This is the day Your Life Will Surely Change
Well... you didn't wake up this morning
Because you didn't go to bed
You were watching the whites of your eyes
Turn red
The calendar, on your wall, is ticking the days off
The calendar on your wall is ticking
the days off
You've been reading some old letters
You smile and think how much you've changed
All the money in the world
Couldn't bring back those days.
You pull back the curtains, and the sun burns into your eyes,
You watch a plane flying across a clear blue sky.
THIS IS THE DAY -- Your life will surely change.
THIS IS THE DAY -- Your life will surely change.
You could've done anything -- if you'd wanted
And all your friends and family think that you're lucky.
But the side of you they'll never see
Is when you're left alone with the memories
That hold your life together like
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pictures of the boys

The Boycott of Nestle
Full of Thankfulness and FULL!
The sad part on the weekend was Billy missing his father all because of a Beatles CD in the car. It sucks for him but when someone doesn't want to be part of your life you cannot force them and he has been chasing down the ideal of the 'dream father' far too long. He has never had that and never will from his father all he can do is be the dream dad to his own children. He is such an amazing dad so he has surpassed his own expectations for fatherhood and those of his own father. Life goes on and we get past these sadnesses but the thoughts always remain.
Monday we spent with Cousin Cookie and Mars at Pingle's farm in Oshawa. It was a great day even if it was chilly...the perfect fall day to be on a farm eating raspberries off the bush, rolling a wheelbarrrow around looking for pumpkins, the children picking out their own pumpkins and attempting to carry them and buying fudge and pies at the bakery. We then headed to Cookie's house to have dinner and let the children play. It was a great day and makes me appreciate having Cookie in my life.
Today is one of those days that you just want to sleep some more...boy could I use some more sleep!
This weekend I made some lemon squares and some hello dollies, the hello dollies I have made before and love them but the lemon squares were a new recipe. Next time I will lesson the amount of demerara I put in them and increase the lemon just a bit. If you want the recipes let me know they are super easy and quick!
*Cousin Cookie is actually Lisa and Mars is Marlow
Friday, October 9, 2009
fall recipes that are guaranteed to get the children to eat vegetables
quick chicken stew on rice
( all our ingredients are organic and low sodium)
Steam brown rice for time needed
in a large pan sautee the following in 1/2 cup vegetable broth with a tbsp of olive oil ( either homemade or box)
1 large bunch of heirloom carrots sliced in coins
4 pearl onions cut in fours
2 cloves of garlic minced
4 chicken breasts cut into medium sized chunks
1 large sweet potato cut into small chunks
1 heirloom pepper cut into small pieces
1/2 pint of heirloom cherry tomatoes cut into 2 or 4 pieces
1/2 a zucchini cut into small chunks
cook until golden and then add 3 cups of broth to simmer for 20 mins
once the meal is cooked you should have substancial broth left in the pan if not add more broth and let it get hot then add 2 tbsp of corn starch to thicken liquid to a gravy like consistency
serve over a bed of brown rice
Pasta of choice with a very rich tomato veggie sauce and turkey and beetballs
2 lbs of ground chicken or turkey ( I prefer turkey)
1 egg
1 large beet
2 cups multigrain bread crumbs
1 large bunch of carrots
minced garlic
2 minced shallots
1 large tin of crushed tomatoes
2 masons jars of sauce either homemade or store bought
1 head of broccoli
pepper to taste
2 tbsp vegan worchestershire sauce
1/4 cup raw agave nectar
in the food processor mince 2 shallots divide into two portions, one for the turkey beetballs and one for the sauce portion
finely shred the bunch of carrots and divide between the beetballs and the sauce
peel and finely shred the beet for the beetballs
puree the broccoli and use in the sauce
in a large pot put half the carrots, shallot, 1 clove of minced garlic, 1/4 cup olive oil and broccoli and let it cook a little bit before adding sauce and let simmer. Add 1/4 cup of raw agave nectar
in a large mixing bowl combine the turkey, egg, breadcrumbs, shallot, beet, half the carrots, worchestershire sauce, garlic and mix together and form medium sized meatballs, makes about 25 meatballs then in a large pan sautee in olive oil until browned then put in a glass baking dish and cover with the tin of crushed tomatoes for 15 minutes.
Once the beetballs have been baked for 15 minutes add to the sauce and let simmer until your pasta of choice is cooked and serve!
it always helps to have the kids involved in the making of the dinner as well as they are more likely to eat what they have made just hide the fact that you are adding all the veggies to everything and they will gladly eat this up and ask for more!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
the brands Nestle owns
- Cinnamon Grahams
- Cheerios (outside US)
- Cini Minis
- Honey Nut Cheerios (outside US)
- Oat Cheerios
- Cookie Crisp
- Fitnesse
- Force Flakes
- Chocapic
- Golden Nuggets
- Golden Grahams
- Honey Stars
- Koko Krunch
- Milo Cereals
- Nestlé Corn Flakes
- Nesquik
- Shreddies
- Shredded Wheat
- Clusters
- Trix
[edit] Coffee
- Bonka
- Buondi (Portugal)[1]
- Christina (Portugal)[2]
- Dolca (Argentina)
- Ecco (Peru, Chile)
- El Chaná (Uruguay)
- International Roast
- Kirma (Peru)
- Loumidis (Greece)
- Nescafé
- Nespresso
- Partner's Blend
- Ricoffy
- Ricoré
- Sical[3]
- Tofa[4]
- Taster's Choice
- Zoégas
[edit] Water
- Aberfoyle
- Aqua D'Or
- Aqua Pod
- Acqua Panna
- Al Manhal
- Aquapod
- Arrowhead
- Buxton
- Contrex
- Dar Natury (Poland)
- Deer Park
- Hépar
- Ice Mountain
- Korpi
- Levissima
- Nałęczowianka (Poland)
- Nestlé Aquarel
- Nestlé Vera
- Ozarka
- Perrier
- Poland Spring
- Powwow
- Minere
- Pure Life/Pureza Vital
- Quézac
- San Pellegrino
- San Bernardo
- Viladrau
- Vittel
- Zephyrhills
[edit] Other drinks
- Nestea
- Milo
- Carnation
- Caro
- Chocolate D'Onofrio (Peru)
- Cocoa D'Onofrio (Peru)
- Nesquik
- Nescao (Argentina)
- Nescau (Brazil)
- Vascolet (Uruguay)
- Libby’s
- Growers Direct Organic Fruit Juices
- Good Host
[edit] Shelf stable
- Christie
- Bear Brand
- Carnation
- Coffee-Mate
- Gloria
- Ideal (Peru)
- Klim
- La Lechera
- Milkmaid
- Moça (Brazil)
- Molico (now Svelty)
- Nespray
- Nestlé
- Nesvita
- Nestlé Omega Plus
- Nido
- Ninho
- Svelty
- Emswiss
[edit] Chilled
- Chamyto (Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Philippines)
- Chiquitín (Mexico, Chile)
- Club (Mexico)
- La Laitière (France,Belgium)
- La Lechera (Spain,Mexico)
- Moça (Brazil)
- Chandelle (Brazil, Chile)
- LC1 (Switzerland)
- Molico (Brazil now Svelty)
- Nestlé
- Ski
- Sveltesse (France)
- Svelty (Mexico)
- Yoco
- Munch Bunch (UK)
- Le Viennois (France, Belgium, Switzerland)
- Hirz (Switzerland)
- Nesvita (Philippines, India)
- Ninho (Brazil)
[edit] Ice cream
- Åhusglass (Sweden)
- Camy
- Δέλτα (Greece)
- Diplom-Is (Norway)
- D'Onofrio (Peru)
- Dreyer's
- Edy's
- Frigor (Argentina)
- Frisco
- Häagen-Dazs (North America)
- Hemglass (Sweden)
- Hjem-IS (Denmark & Norway)
- Kotijäätelö (Finland)
- Maxibon
- Motta
- Mövenpick (Switzerland)
- Mivvi
- Nestlé
- Nestlé Drumstick - The Original Sundae Cone
- Oreo (Canada)
- Peters (Australia)
- Push-Up
- Savory (Chile)
- Schöller
- Underground is (Denmark)
- Valiojäätelö (Finland)
[edit] Infant foods
- Alete
- Alfare
- Beba
- Bona (Finland)
- Cérélac
- Farinha Láctea (Brazil)
- FM 85
- Gerber
- Good Start
- Guigoz
- Lactogen
- Nan
- NanSoy
- Neslac
- Nestlé
- Nestogen
- Nestum (Portugal)[5]
- Nido
- Piltti (Finland)
- PreNan
[edit] Performance nutrition
- Musashi
- Neston
- Nesvita
- PowerBar
- Pria
- Supligen
[edit] Healthcare nutrition
- Boost
- Carnation Instant Breakfast
- Nutren
- Peptamen
- Glytrol
- Crucial
- Impact
- Isosource
- Fibersource
- Diabetisource
- Compleat
- Optifast
- Resource
[edit] Seasonings
- Buitoni
- Maggi
- Thomy
- Winiary
[edit] Frozen foods
- Maggi (INDIA)
- Stouffer’s
- Lean Cuisine
- Buitoni
- Hot Pockets
- Lean Pockets
- Papa Guiseppi
- Findus (Sweden)
[edit] Refrigerated products
- Buitoni
- Herta
- Nestlé
- Toll House
[edit] Chocolate, confectionery and baked goods
- 100 Grand Bar
- Aero
- After Eight
- Allens
- Animal Bar
- Baby Ruth
- Bertie Beetle (Australia)
- Big Turk (Canada)
- Black Magic
- Blue Riband
- Bono(Brazil)
- Breakaway
- Butterfinger
- Butterfinger BB's
- Butterfinger Crisp
- Bon Pari (Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary)
- Cailler
- Capri (Chile)
- Caramac
- Carlos V
- Charge (Brazil)
- Chips Ahoy! (Canada)
- Chocolate Surpresa (Brazil)
- Chokito (Brazil)
- Coffee Crisp (Canada)
- Chunky
- D'Onofrio (Peru)
- Damak (Turkey)
- Drifter
- Frigor
- Galak/Milkybar
- Heaven
- JOJO (Czech Republic and Poland)
- Icebreakers
- Kit Kat(INDIA)(except the United States where Hershey's makes it)
- Lion
- Matchmakers
- Milky Bar
- Minties (Australia)
- Mirage
- Joff
- Munchies
- Negrita (Chile)
- Nestlé Alpine White
- Nestlé with Almonds
- Nestlé Crunch
- Nestlé Crunch Crisp
- Nestlé Crunch with Caramel
- Nestlé Crunch with Peanuts (Limited Edition)
- Nestlé Crunch Pieces
- Nestlé Crunch White
- Nestlé Milk Chocolate
- Nestlé Princessa
- Nestlé Wonder Ball
- Nestlé Yes (Germany)
- Nips
- Nuts (Europe)
- Oh Henry (except Canada)
- Orion (chocolate) (Czech Republic)
- Peppermint Crisp
- Perugina Baci
- Polo
- Prestigio (Chile,Brazil)
- Quality Street
- Rolo (except the United States where Hershey makes it)
- Sahne Nuss (Chile)
- Sensação (Brazil)
- Snowcaps
- Smarties
- Suflair (Brazil)
- Super 8 (Chile)
- Susy (Venezuela)
- Texan Bar
- Toffee Crisp
- Toll House cookies
- Trencito (Chile)
- Turtles
- Walnut Whip
- Violet Crumble
- Yorkie
- Munch(only in India)
[edit] Wonka confectionery brands
- Bottle Caps
- Donutz
- FruiTart Chews
- Fun Dip
- Gobstoppers
- Laffy Taffy
- Lik-M-Aid
- Nerds
- Nerds Gumballs
- Nerds Rope
- Oompas
- Pixy Stix
- Rainbow Nerds
- Runts
- SweeTarts
- SweeTarts Rope
- SweeTarts Shockers
- Tart 'n' Tinys
- Thrills
- Wonka Bars
- Wonka Xploders
[edit] Foodservice products
- Chef-Mate
- Davigel
- Minor's
- Santa Rica
[edit] Petcare
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In the absence of the blogger
I want to talk about this whole Roman Polanski debaucle. This should have been resolved over 30 years ago. This man never should have been a safe fugitive in a foreign land for so long. What he did was wrong no ifs ands or buts and anyone who believes he did not get a fair shake or should be released clearly is not a parent or sold their heart and common sense for cold hard cash. No 40 something year old man has any business having any sort of sexual relationship with a 13 years old girl...has any business having any type of sexual relationship with any girl who has teen at the end of her age. It is SICK!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
and when asked what the poor should eat she respnded, "Let them eat geese!"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
disability is for suckas!
I recently took a look at a place that is in the works for us renting as soon as the legal business can be sorted ( the mother passed away and the son had to have title switched over to him). When I walked in the door I was not expecting to see all her possessions and I almost burst into tears right then and there in front of her son. She was such a sweet woman with a good sense of humour and I miss seeing her and having little chats. Her son told us she would be happy to have us in the home and that she REALLY appreciated all we did for her. I really think she was the one who did more for us being so welcoming and familiar. I am sad and will be sad not to see her every day in the summer on her front porch.
Not a whole lot of baking has been done and Billy has been on a raw food diet for the past week so not a whole lot of cooking going on. He diets more than any woman I have ever met!
I still have to post about the states visit. The bad; people really believe it is ok to eat as if you are eating for 3 whole people for every meal. They do not recycle at all in Buffalo and surrounding areas. They have no concept of being eco-friendly or conservation. Plastic bags are practically pushed on you and double bagging a package of toilet paper is sinful. They waste A LOT!
The good; Target's sales, DSW and IHOP's pancakes! oh so bad for you but so tasty! Cracker Barrel...that is all I will say!
I want to post some song lyrics that always remind me of my roadtripping days with Lisa
Self Help
Breathe in good, breathe out bad,
Remind yourself of the things you have, it's easy.
Pull a smile onto your face,
Understand that making friends is easy.
So tell yourself it will be ok,
Remind yourself that you're not just in it for the money.
The end, the end, the end, the end,
My friend, where's the end?
You're up, you're down,
You're in the ground in the end, my friend,
Where's the end?
I've found myself, deep down in the dirt,
Got to get myself to my feet yeah.
I tell myself it will be ok,
Remind myself that I'm not just in it for the money.
The end, the end, the end, the end
My friend, where's the end?
Blue Hour
Oh let the sun be done,
Let the air wash the city clean.
Oh let the blue hour come,
For everyone,
For everyone the sun,
We all need some.
Pace of this place slow down,
Suits throw your phones to the ground.
With the blue in your lungs begun,
For everyone,
For everyone the sun.
We all need some.
Time to go fishing,
Reels screaming.
For all weary souls,
The endless song.
For everyone,
For everyone this song.
We all need one.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
the U.S vs. Canada
Thursday, March 12, 2009
In the Raw
I have not done much cooking or baking these last couple of days but today I need to bake some bread. Every time I bake bread I alter the recipe somewhat. Today who knows what will be up my sleeve.
Last evening we took the children to see Coraline. They all seemed to enjoy it and not be too 'horrified' so the reviews I had read that states small children may be bothered by it is probably true if they are squeamish about bugs and scare easily but my children loved it. Next movie to see with them is Monsters vs Aliens!
The snow flakes are huge today! Big, fluffy flakes that are sticking around but probably not for long. Where is spring when you need her most?
Tomorrow is the husband's birthday, he turns 41 which in my books is over the hill ;)
This week has been overwrought with laundry, organization and getting my stuff together both mentally and physically. New mindset, new start. We all need to cut out the negative emotional history, physical clutter and dead weight in our worlds so we can most certainly spring ahead. Clinging to old ideals and old ways is destructive if they are counterproductive, holding on to emotional baggage after you have made it heard is also bad news. If the person who has done the damage doesn't want or feel the need to make amends you cannot force them to. If they repeat the same mistakes you either remove the person from your life or forgive and move forward.
Karma is a big part of how I live my life, I really think about my actions now in terms of what will this do to me morally, what bad can it bring back to me and what is it I have to gain by doing this? If someone does good well there is no need to review these things but life has a funny way of bringing things full circle so I am trying very hard to limit the negative in my life.
Well, back to the laundry and the cleaning and the dishes and the bed making and the salon cleaning and the diaper changing and the bathroom cleaning and the....